J. Gudmundsson, M. Mirzanezhad, A. Mohades, C. Wenk. Fast Fréchet Distance for Curves with Long Edges. 3rd International Workshop on Interactive and Spatial Computing: 52-58, Richardson, TX, 2018. Best Paper Award.
Clustering Trajectories for Constructing Maps. K. Buchin, M. Buchin, D. Duran, B.T. Fasy, R. Jacobs, V. Sacristan, R. Silveira, F. Staals, C. Wenk. Proc. 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 10 pages, 2017.
Knowledge Extraction from Crowdsourced Data for the Enrichment of Road Networks. George Skoumas, Klaus Arthur Schmid, Gregor Josse, Matthias Schubert, Mario A. Nascimento, Andreas Zufle, Matthias Renz, Dieter Pfoser. Geoinformatica journal, to appear, 2017.
A Unified Framework to Predict Movement [Vision Paper]. O. Gkountouna, D. Pfoser, C. Wenk. A. Zufle. Proc. 15th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD), to appear in 15th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD), to appear, 2017.
Spatio-temporal prediction of social connections. Guolei Yang, Andreas Zufle. Proceedings of the Fourth International ACM Workshop on Managing and Mining Enriched Geo-Spatial Data. Article No. 6. Pages: 6, 2017. Link
Handling Uncertainty in Geo-Spatial Data. A. Zufle, G. Trajcevski, D. Pfoser, M. Renz, M.T. Rice, T. Leslie, P. Delamater. Proc. 33rd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 1467-1470, 2017. Link
Hub Labels on the database for large-scale graphs with the COLD framework. A. Efentakis, C. Efstathiades, and D. Pfoser. Geoinformatica Journal, to appear, 2017. Link
ReHub: Extending Hub Labels for Reverse k-Nearest Neighbor Queries on Large-Scale Networks. A. Efentakis and D. Pfoser. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 21(1): 1.13:1-1.13:35, 2016. Link